Spearmint Eucalyptus soap cutting. Not what I wanted it to be

I made some more spearmint eucalyptus soap a couple days ago and I thought I'd try the Taiwan swirl again and see how it turned out. I tried it a few other times and the color wasn't dark enough or it just didn't come out right. Seems like it should be an easy enough swirl to do, I mean it's just pouring your colored soap down the middle of your already poured uncolored soap and then  doing a figure eight through the whole thing, Sounds easy, right?

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About Soapmaking and the Necessity of Using Lye

First, a disclaimer: I did NOT write this!! I found it on the Soap Queen website (link below) and she got it from The Sirona Springs Blog.(at the end of page) I hope Ruth doesn't mind me using this, but it's the BEST description of soapmaking and saponification I've read. Anyone who thinks they can make soap without lye should read this. I suppose technically you can get away without handling the lye, but there IS lye in ALL soap. This explains way better than I can. :)

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